this is called a just kidding outfit. just kidding to you and me but to every1 else who is not in on the art scene, this is a srs intentional outfit becos i have tucked in part of my shirt and my shorts (MADE OUT OF JOGGING PANTS) are slightly askew like WOAH! what happened? who knoooows! and the toilet seat is up get ovr it PPL.
and then the subject acts lyke they don't no they're shirt is too big because tehy r too busy being cool and they are cool becos they gave up on trying but us guys know that they do kair a lot. this is a good outfit for a funktion where people cayre a lot like maybe a fundraiser or someting fancy that i can't think of write now.
the type of shoes to wear with this ensemble vary but the best ones are ones your nana wares, like slippers or better, if you can get some1 to send you a pair of sandals recycled from costa rican schoolbus tyres it would skyrocket you're outfit into no.01 not karing position.
look guise the zipper on my purse doesn't close and it doesn't matter OKAY maybe u should just focus on you're own lifes but more importantly I am holding on to a little empty satchet bag for know reason at all.
natural colours are most important becos they don't make you stand out much BUT by not standing out YOU SO STAND OUT. get it!? there are a lot of rules i will help u understand ovr tyme. beige is a good color for not karing because it makes you look naked if you are caucasian. whatevs you know what i mean guy?
and then the just kidding ended cos i startd to feel self conshious about ppl maybs thinkin i was waring a oversized shirt because i was actually fat so for one second i showed my stomach no big deal every1 but next time i will make it look more accidental and not hold it up like that like maybe it stayed up by a mistake frum taking my big purse off and putting it on the dirty ground at a outdoor impromptu street concert.